Spiritual Direction
My favorite metaphor to describe the practice of spiritual direction is holy listening. Holy listening involves listening to and naming one's experience of the Holy. Spiritual direction is based on the belief that the Divine Presence speaks to us both in the outer word of our experience and in the inner word of our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. All of life's experiences are material for spiritual direction. When we make the time and space to notice and respond to the movement of the Spirit in our lives, we begin to live in the light of our own true nature.
The title "spiritual director" is somewhat misleading since my role in a spiritual direction relationship is more about accompanying than directing. Through reflective listening, evocative questioning, prayer and various spiritual practices I walk with others as they make meaning of their life experiences.
Amidst the busyness of our lives, it is easy to find ourselves in a reactive mode trying desperately to complete our never ending to-do lists. One-on-one spiritual direction sessions offer the opportunity to pause, listen and reflect thereby learning to live with greater awareness and intention. Typically spiritual direction sessions are scheduled for one hour once a month.