Labyrinth Practice

Walking the labyrinth is a spiritual practice that quiets the mind and allows deep listening to the soul. Unlike mazes, labyrinths have no false turns or dead ends. The single path leading to the center and back again calms and promotes clarity. Labyrinths have endured the test of time across centuries, continents and traditions.

The practice of walking the labyrinth is being rediscovered as a tool for those seeking greater meaning, creativity, healing or a way to unplug from the stresses of daily life. The labyrinth itself is a powerful metaphor for the spiritual journey each of us is invited to walk. Just as in the labyrinth, we too must discover the path to our own center, where we are grounded in the Divine Presence, and then walk back out into the world trusting that the path of our life will unfold as we walk.

As a Veriditas Accredited Presenter and Advanced Trained Labyrinth Facilitator, I offer both brief introductions to the labyrinth and longer experiential workshops, such as:

  • Walking the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice

  • Awakening to the Path

  • Walking in the Way of Jesus

  • The Labyrinth as a Tool for Discernment

  • The Labyrinth as a Watering Hole for the Spirit and Mirror for the Soul

  • Advent Labyrinth Walk: Birthing New Life

  • Lenten Labyrinth Walk: Letting Go into God

Photo credit: Bill Hughlett

"The Labyrinth is a watering hole for the Spirit and a mirror for the Soul."

— Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress